
A short entry on 媛

hime princess; young noble lady
才媛 saien literary woman; talented woman
愛媛県 Ehime-ken Ehime prefecture

女 is woman. 爰 is the original character for 援, used to write a word meaning to pull. Older forms show that 爰 depicts hands at the upper and lower part of an object that may have been a rope or a rod¹ to convey this word to pull. 爰 is the phonetic in a range of characters. Here, through the meaning to pull in combination with 女 woman, it may (also) hint at the attraction between a man and a woman, in that way pointing to a word for beautiful (attractive) woman.² In Japanese 媛 came to mean a young woman of high social status.

Mnemonic: a princess is a woman who pulls your rope

The layout of the box above follows the style of an entry in Henshall’s 1988 book
1. Oracle bone characters depict the object as a simple line. Bronze characters do likewise, but have variants among them that start a confusion of more complex objects as well. To the right impressions of oracle bone inscriptions by Ochiai (2016).
2. Xǔ Shèn has for 媛: 美女也。人所援也。从女从爰。爰,引也。That translates as: “媛 means beautiful woman, whom people [want to] pull close. It consists of 女 [woman] and 爰. 爰 means to pull/draw toward one.” Note that the direction of “to pull” in this description is different from English “attractive [woman]”, which means that the latter cannot function as a literal translation.
3. Henshall’s book doesn't have an entry on 媛.


First published: Tuesday 20 December 2016

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